パルファン サトリの香り紀行

調香師が写真でつづる photo essay

English blog Parfum Satori


令和5年度文化庁長官表彰のご報告とお礼 Award report with thanks of Agency for Cultural Affairs Commissioner’s Award 2023 2023年12月19日に、京都の式典にて文化庁長官表彰を頂戴いたしました。 On December 19, 2023, I received a commendation from…

The Creation of Silk Iris /シルクイリス

What' Silk Iris /シルクイリス> Creating Silk Iris Here at Parfum Satori, we have two perfumes that feature the scent of the Iris - Silk Iris and Iris Homme. Silk Iris was the first to be created and the inspiration behind it was a stylish …

The journey to Mizunara

-The journey to Mizunara-Three years ago, I went to a bar called "Mizunara Cask" for the first time.

"The Emperor of Scent" and Luca Turin's "Perfumes: the Guide"

"The Emperor of Scent" and Luca Turin's "Perfumes: the Guide" Very recently, I was to hear from my customers that they heard about and grew interested in Parfum Satori thanks to "Perfume: the Guide." This is one of the happiest things to h…

Scent and Sense in Japanese Culture/@ZHdK(日本文化の香りと感覚)【Delivering a lecture at the Zurich University of the Arts】

9th/Nov/2018 スイス・チューリッヒ芸術大学<perfumative>にて講演しました。 後日、邦訳をアップします! a new way of looking at perfume through the eyes of Japanese culture. CONCLUSIONTranslucent and without shape or form, I believe that in a post-modern s</perfumative>…

Creating Hyouge/Matcha fragrance ひょうげ(旧織部)の香りのできるまで

Creating Hyouge/Matcha fragrance People often ask me what comes first - the name or a fragrance. It's really case-by-case. Sometimes I decide upon a theme and the fragrance is formulated as I work towards it. On other occasions, I struggl…

Perfumes The Guide 2018 (English Edition)

We are proud to announce that 9 of our fragrances are listed in the 'Perfumes The Guide 2018' written by Luca Turin &Tania Sanchez and 5 among them (Hana Hiraku, hyouge(formerly Oribe) , Silk Iris, Sakura and Satori) are rated as 4 stars. …

アトリエ・ショップ「六本木一丁目駅」からのルート Directions from Roppongi-Icchome Station.

地下鉄「六本木一丁目駅)(南北線)」 からのルートDirections from Roppongi Ichome Station. ※ アトリエ・ショップは2024年5月より、いつでもご予約なしでお越し頂けます。 コンサルテーションご希望の方は、土日のみご予約を受け付けております ► ご来店…

Hana Hiraku ハナヒラク、 No.8<Final episode>

After all, HANAHIRAKU was finally released on Oct 15,2016. I headed to Shinjuku Gyoen to express my gratitude to the Magnolia tree. The leaves are still green, shining in the clear autumn sunlight. It's been 10 years since I first visited …

【Tokyo Weekender】に掲載されました

「Tokyo Weekender(トウキョウ ウィークエンダー)」に「ハナヒラク」掲載 海外向けフリーペーパーTokyo WeekenderのBeautyページ(P.15)にパルファンサトリのハナヒラクが紹介されました。 大使館や六本木のホテル、Starbacksなどにおかれています。手に…

Hana Hiraku⑦formula/Tuberose ハナヒラク処方/チュベローズ

Tuberose has an animalic note. The word 'Tuberose' sounds cute and you might imagine an innocent girl from its pretty white appearance. However, once you get closer and smell the flower, it releases a strong, intruding scent with a rich mi…

Hana Hiraku⑥ ,absolute&ess ハナヒラク 処方と香料2

It's Chamomile Blue oil that adds dryness to HANAIRAKU. HANAHIRAKU has a generous dose of this distinctive smelling Chamomile. A blend of chamomile and jasmine at high concentrations keeps the balance of the power. There are two plants kno…

HANAHIRAKU ⑤fragrance raw material ハナヒラク

HANAHIRAKU is a composition of creamy, lactonic white florals, the fruity sweetness , a salty facet of miso and soy sauce, and dry animalic notes. To create this mysterious scent, natural flower essential oils and absolutes such as jasmine…

HANAHIRAU④Naming a perfume ハナヒラク

People often ask me, "When creating a fragrance, do you come up with the idea first? or do you start with selecting materials? " The truth is, it totally depends on the situation. This perfume had a tentative name but was officially named …

"Hana Hiraku" Making Story ③Magnolia obovata

Hoh-no-ki's scientific name is Magnolia obovata thunb. "Obovata" is from the Latin ob- and ovum, referring to the inversed egg-shaped leaves. Magnolia has huge oval leaves that are 30 to 40 cm long. You can see its largeness if you compare…

HANAHIRAU②、Flowers of Magnolia obovata thunb

Magnolia obovata thunb blooms in early summer. The Flowers are about a child head size. They look sublime. Your nose could recognize its flower scent by the time it comes into sight, The fragrance is spreading out everywhere. I got closer …

HANAHIRAKU, when it blooms ①

The wind is blowing over the frozen ground. There is no sign of life. The plants wither to withstand a harsh climate.

金木犀 銀木犀 キンギンモクセイ osmanthus sonnet

Kinmokusei (金木犀, "gold osmanthus") and Ginmokusei (銀木犀, "silver osmanthus"). Gold & silver. What a happy occasion! According to the calendar, it's autumn but it's still quite hot. Where did the autumn go? Around this time of the year…

My Perfume Organ 私の<ミニ>調香オルガン台 ⑤

When did I make this miniature perfume organ? Maybe In 2007 ? I spent a lot of time looking for the perfect material for these perfume bottles. I bought 10ml acrylic cubes at a DIY store and also found silver bottle caps in the leather goo…

The garden/ le JARDIN

Why do I like plants? It takes time to make a garden. That does not mean for us, but for the garden itself to grow. I mean, for the plants to grow and work the differences and live together. Like mountains and woods. I think that the proce…

Fragrant rose- Blue Moon ブルームーン

Blue moon rose was created in 1964. The color slightly changes in spring and in autumn. Depending on the seasons, they become greyish purple. They are large and very fragrant. Decades ago, a nice rose shop was opened on the same side of th…

FRAGRANTICAでIris Homme が取り上げられました!

FRAGRANTICA(フレグランチカ)で「イリスオム」掲載 www.fragrantica.com パルファンサトリのイリスオムがFRAGRANTICAに取り上げられされました! 日本のみならず、フランス、シンガポール、オランダ、そしてUSでも人気急上昇です! FRAGRANTICA 本文より H…

FRAGRANTICA-Parfum_Satori ロングインタビュー

FRAGRANTICA - Parfum Satori - Long Interview www.fragrantica.com Marlen Harrison: Osawa-san, although Japan does not have a long history with personal perfumery the way some European cultures do, Japan does have a strong appreciation for a…

My Perfume Organ ③ 私の調香オルガン台

My handmade perfume organ. The lower part of it was made by cutting a single plate of wood. I've been looking for my sketch but I still can't find it. I wish I could show it to you, though it was just a life-sized image drawn by hand on co…

Han-eri a half-collar on a kimono

In the picture I'm wearing a white kimono with plum-blossoms and a golden tapestry kimono sash. This kimono used to be my mother's 40 years ago and I got it resized 20 years ago. It's one of my favorites. Recently I don't have the chance t…

My Perfume Organ ①私の調香オルガン台

My Perfume Organ ragrance bottles are lining up like piano keys. We call this stand a " perfume organ". This is my perfume organ and I made it myself in 2001. Everyone gets surprised to know that this was handmade by me. I created it by im…

匂へどもしる人もなき桜花 Cherry Blossoms

匂へどもしる人もなき桜花 ただひとり見て哀れとぞ思ふ 慶政上人 風雅和歌集 Cherry Blossoms Beautifully in full bloom Without being seen by anyone but me What a magnificent view It is expressing feelings of excitement and loneliness when enjoy…

Thyme and oil heater タイムと石油ストーブ

Thyme and oil heater A kettle is whistling on the oil heater. It is very warm. This is a classic non-electric oil heater. It brings back memories. When I went to a Japanese paper workshop in Kawaguchi, I had lunch at this traditional soba …

Casual tea ceremony 毎朝の一服②

Tea utensils, such as a tea cup and a tea caddy are always on the dining table in my house. It's to make tea whenever I wish. These utensils are just for entertaining and having tea ,for casual tea ceremony. The square box used to be a tob…

The interview was published on the blog called " the scent of man" in Singapore

The interview was published on the blog " the scent of man" The interview was published on the blog called " the scent of man" in Singapore The articles were updated on a perfume blog " the scent of man" in Singapore. There will be five se…

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