パルファン サトリの香り紀行

調香師が写真でつづる photo essay

My Perfume Organ 私の<ミニ>調香オルガン台 ⑤


When did I make this miniature perfume organ?  Maybe In 2007 ?

I spent a lot of time looking for the perfect material for these perfume bottles.

I bought 10ml acrylic cubes at a DIY store and also found silver bottle caps in the leather goods department there.


I glued a cap to the cube and made a miniature perfume bottle. I printed out perfume labels and cut them out.


Putting these bottles on the shelf, side by side, they perfectly fit!



I painted another side table, and put 5ml tiny bottles on it.

I placed a miniature book that I bought in Paris and... Voila! The birth of a miniatelier.


I try to imagine myself sitting there. I think it's a little similar to the way of enjoying bonsai.


A joy of creation is totally different from the satisfaction you get from buying things even

if what you created doesn't look good. It's necessary to feel that you grow and get better today than yesterday, not by comparison to others, and that will bring you an infinite joy.




PARFUM SATORI  at Amsterdam  


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