パルファン サトリの香り紀行

調香師が写真でつづる photo essay

The garden/ le JARDIN


Why do I like plants?


It takes time to make a garden. That does not mean for us, but for the garden itself to grow. I mean, for the plants to grow and work the differences and live together.


Like mountains and woods.


I think that the process of making a product, the achievement of a project or the growth of a company, are like making a garden. It takes time. Can you wait as much or not? It's a creator's choice.



I find that plants are benevolent enough not to care about being eaten a little.

It's no big deal if a leaf or two are nibbled off.

In order to spread their seeds, they actively offer glamorous fruits and sometimes let themselves be eaten.

Are there any animals that don't care about being gnawed on their arm? 



[Alas! only flower known to have wings is the butterfly; all others stand helpless before the destroyer.-The Book of Tea]



Birds and animals can escape from usurpers. But flowers don't know how to resist and they just get broken off. However, is it ok if they get trampled down?


They measure advantages and disadvantages from a long-term perspective.

They can produce bitter material and repel invaders that eat too much leaves.



Plants don't talk.


But it's wrong to think that they don't know what's going on.

Faithlessness that you secretly whispered behind the bush will be carried by the wind, and everyone will know it.


If you live with plans, be fair. That is plants' wisdom and philosophy for a long life.


Apart from fragrant plants, I usually put non-fragrant flowers in my atelier. If lilies were in the room, that would be distracting.


I love fresh flowers. I would never put artificial flowers. Natural flowers grow and wither.

And I like it.


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Pintarest ピンタレスト 大沢さとり Satori Osawa

FRAGRANTICA フレグランチカ Parfumsatori パルファンサトリhttp://www.fragrantica.com/news/The-World-of-a-Japanese-Perfumer-Part-1-an-Interview-with-Satori-Osawa-8146.html

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