パルファン サトリの香り紀行

調香師が写真でつづる photo essay

Kiyomasa no Ido at Meiji Jingu


There is a well called Kiyomasa no Ido at Meiji JinguThe water is transparent and you can see round & smooth stones.


Looking into the well.. Seeing those stones, the reflection of green leaves & branches of the trees on the water, I start to wonder if I am standing on the water or in the sky. 




Entering from the Kitasando near Yoyogi Station, tall trees on the street are blocking the sky. The scent of Hinoki and Cederwood is refreshing.



There is a fishing spot near the lake. The view of wild wisterias from there is great.

A heroine and an egret are resting.


Out of the woods, at the end of the road is where you find Kiyomasa no Ido. Quiet place. 


I will not expect a reward or benefits. I just wanted to express gratitude for my safety today. 





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