パルファン サトリの香り紀行

調香師が写真でつづる photo essay

"Sanadahimo (Japanese Close-woven Samurai Ribbon)

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Sanadahimo is one of the Japanese traditional fabrics.

 How to knot the "Sanadahimo  (Japanese Close-woven Samurai Ribbon)

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① Place center of the string on top of the box so it makes
the letter L on the corner.  Cross the strings at the bottom.

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② Cross over the to the right the left string at the bottom.

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③ Cross over to the left the right string at the bottom. Pull on both sides. 

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 ④ make a ring with the left string.

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⑤ Make a bowknot. 

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⑥ Fix the the shape of the knot.

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